Glowkit Interior
Fitting Your Kit
👀 Mockup Strips
Take a look at the inside of your vehicle and figure out where you want to mount the strips. The kits include 4 strips to be mounted around the inside of your vehicle
🧽 Clean & Degrease
This step is an important one, so ensure to be thorough. You need to clean & degrease the entire surface area where you are going to be sticking the strips. It’s important to use a cleaner that doesn’t contain any kind of wax. If you don’t have a degreaser, dish soap and warm water works too.
Place The Strips
It’s now time to get the strips in place. for best effect, be sure to look at the directional arrows placed on the inside of the LED strips, and have the strips pointing around the vehicle. This will make the colour flow look as though it’s flowing around your interior.
🔌 Wire to Vehicle
Now your strips are in place, hide all of your wires away, and choose your connection method. You may use either the supplied USB cable, 12v cable or hard-wire them to the vehicle.
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